Psychological Effects of cell phone addiction


In this modern age of telecommunication and internet connectivity in every field, cell phones have become a significant part of our daily lives. With the use of cell phones, our pattern of working can be designed. Sometimes, it also tells or communicates messages on how we work, communicate and involve ourselves in the world. Along …

Understanding Addictive Disorders

Addictive disorders, often referred to as substance use disorders or behavioral addictions, are a complex and challenging category of mental health conditions. These disorders are characterized by a compulsive and uncontrollable desire to engage in a specific activity or use a substance despite its harmful consequences. This comprehensive guide delves into the causes, symptoms, effects, …

What Is Neustress?

Stress is a pervasive element of modern life, affecting individuals in various ways. While we are familiar with the negative aspects of stress, such as its potential to harm our mental and physical health, there is a lesser-known facet called “neustress.” Neustress, often overshadowed by the more conspicuous forms of stress, plays a unique role …